I sold this vintage chenille bedspread on Craigslist and almost regret doing so. The colors are not my current taste/preference, especially with our beige rental walls and carpet, but the design is fantastic. Not overly feminine like a lot of chenille spreads still in circulation. Very classic yet trendy and no guy should complain about sleeping under it.
This one is more like the spread I slept under during my teen years. I had a rod iron bed frame too. But imagine more flowers and a lot more pink.
Two of these spreads can be purchased here. |
Very feminine. Perfect for a little or single girl's room. And the difference is what made the orange one so great and unique. It is adult and any gender friendly. I hope the new owner loves it!
Mine was with with yellow outlined daisies. My mom still has it in a trunk somewhere. This makes me want to take it out!